
Hello Everyone! Check out these videos. Other media and articles to follow.

I am proud to be asked by Dr. Al-Mashat, a prominent psychologist, to talk about the mental health benefits of pets, especially dogs!

Ever wonder where we come from? Where are we going? Or where we are right now? This is a 17-minute talk I gave in 2017 reflecting on Our Place in the Universe. This talk emphasizes three timeless principles. One is to value the wisdom to be found in all spiritual traditions and in science. The others are the inherent worth of every person, and the interconnectedness/interdependence of all things. Reflecting holistically and evolutionarily, I believe the entire course of our lives is a ceremony of infinite complexity that we play out within the larger cosmic dance. We don't see this infinite cosmic dance in everyday life. But it can be revealed if we look at our life cycles, from conception to the great traumas of birth and death through which we are recycled. As you play this video, you will bear witness to a beckoning to honor ourselves as unique and transformational parts of a larger whole. We are beings who share a common collective fate – which is, paradoxically – to experience the infinitude and immortality of our bodies by being recycled. Our inevitable suffering resides in what we mistake as decay of the bodies we cling to as if they were our true and only identity. As I am continuing to develop ideas and projects related to this talk, any helpful feedback would be appreciated. (My apologies for the poor lighting and the instability of the video at the beginning. It smooths out as the talk progresses).

I was pleased to be invited to speak at The Lifeline Foundation Gala in 2018. As the Lifeline Foundation is all about preventing suicide and enhancing mental health, I spoke briefly on these topics.

The Organization of Time in the Brain

This article discusses time as anything but the clock on the wall.  Summarizing temporal neuroscience at the turn of the millenium, the brain's organization of time is seen as multidimensional. Time is linear, rhythmic, recurrent, and a stationary matrix of dynamic experiences tagged to our unique position in space-time. From that unique position, each of us live through all of these synced, harmonized aspects of time bound to potentially infinite layers of experience present in each moment of existence.  Of interest to those taking melatonin to help with sleep, the time-hormone melatonin entrains our daily sleep-wake rhythms to the 24-hour cycle of light-and-dark due to the fact we live on a planet that rotates approximately every 24 hours as it orbits a nearby star. The article addresses how the brain represents time as momentary yet infinite, stable yet dynamic, and as a forward-moving personage traversing a remembered past toward an anticipated future. A forthcoming article discusses implications of this integrated theory of time for the necessity of suffering and healing.


Dawson Psychological Services

Dr. K.A. Dawson, Registered Psychologist (CPBC #1566)

Kim Dawson

1790 Barrie Road

Victoria, BC V8N2W7 Canada

(855) 782-6583

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